People are proven to possess a fundamental need to listen to our own inner worlds while paying attention to our outer worlds, in order to improve our overall physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. Journaling can help us to slow down so that we can listen, breath, notice and attend to one’s inner life in order to practice the art of self-awareness
Whether you are a professional writer or someone who has never written any journal at all, it's not important. You don’t need to attend writing classes or search for writing help online, you just start writing and keep in mind that everything you write is correct! It's also important to buy paper and pen and scribble it the old fashion way because digital writing as its main objective has speed and volume, not self-analysis and clarity.
After you finally open your mind to journaling it will certainly help you reduce your anxiety and overwhelm, work through your massive life-changing decisions (getting a new job, getting married-divorced, starting a business, etc.), help you discover trends in your thinking that may lead to critical insights into your life, it can open a space for more creativity and growth and finally it can help you leave people and situations that are wearing you down.
RWhen you get up in the morning hundreds of thougshts are floating around your head about the things you need to do or the stuff you forgot about, but when you get them out of your skull and get them on your paper it will definitely help you center and clear your mind.
Journaling is also good for making you visualize your emotions. When I take my anxiety, procrastination, and my worries, transcribe them into words and finally write my paper it suddenly makes me realize that all of those problems are illusory or, in the worst case scenario, not that big of a deal.
Everybody's worst critic lives inside of his head. When you journal you are able to see your thinking clearly and take control of your inner voice before it takes over your mind and your entire day. Conversations that you have with yourself are crucial for leading a fulfilling life, so make sure that you fully control them by enabling yourself to make that voice inside your head to keep quiet and cooperate.
Don’t waste your time. Start journaling today. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and start small. Write a single sentence, or simply three things you are grateful for, then commit to doing the same thing tomorrow and build from that. Pretty soon you will notice how your spirit, body, and mind start to heal, grow and transform you into a calm, satisfied and overall fulfilled person that you need to be.