Heal Your Life in 27 Days shows you how to use the the power of journaling to embark on an inner journey that will help you discover and recover your truest self, identify what it is you truly want in your life- at your core --- and create a path to achieve your dreams.
This course provides an imaginative framework to support your unique, personal journey including creative journaling exercises, helpful suggestions and tips to help YOU use the power of journaling to:
- Make peace with the past.
- Work through difficult challenges in your life
- Create a path to achieve the things you want for your life
- Heal, grow, and transform your self
"I have kept a journal since I can remember. This very focused 27 day journaling course is more profound than 40 years of journal keeping!...And I'm only on Day 9." ~Karen Joyce Williams Writer/Author
"I think this was the first of Mari's challenges I did and I go back to it whenever I get stuck with nothing to journal about. I find the prompts to really help me think about my my life and the changes happening. I love to go back and see the changes in what I write to the different prompts!" ~Dave